The source of rubber boots

Update time:10 Dec 2021

The production of rubber boots began in the mid-19th ce […]

The production of rubber boots began in the mid-19th century, after Charles Goodyear invented the vulcanization process. Goodyear may be a clever inventor, but unfortunately he did not make money from it. Rubber begins its life with latex, a white viscous resin that flows from the bark of rubber trees in tropical countries such as Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

The raw rubber goes through a series of "milling" machines to make the rubber remove all lumps and disperse other materials, thereby increasing color, increasing durability and flexibility... Then, just like making pastries, it’s ready The rubber is rolled into thin sheets ready for cutting. If the boots consist of multiple colors, then the factory must first produce all the different colored sheets.

Now each rubber boot is cleaned, trimmed off the excess rubber, and finally slid off the metal and checked for quality. This includes immersing in a water tank to see if any air escapes, because of course they must be waterproof. There are some wonderful elements in the vulcanization process of natural rubber. Kind of like milk turning grass into delicious cheese, or turning grape vine fruit into wine. This is the process of human invention or discovery. Over time, through refinement, beautiful things are produced.

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